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Listen Options

Please note

This section describes the most recent ejabberd version. If you are using an old ejabberd release, please refer to the corresponding archived version of this page in the Archive.

This is a detailed description of each option allowed by the listening modules:



This option defines access to the port. The default value is all.


true | false

As per XEP-0388, ejabberd rejects SASL2 negotiations over non-TLS connections by default. Setting this option to true allows SASL2 over plaintext connections, which may be useful in case TLS is terminated by some proxy in front of ejabberd.



The backlog value defines the maximum length that the queue of pending connections may grow to. This should be increased if the server is going to handle lots of new incoming connections as they may be dropped if there is no space in the queue (and ejabberd was not able to accept them immediately). Default value is 5.



Path to a file of CA root certificates. The default is to use system defined file if possible.

This option is useful to define the file for a specific port listener. To set a file for all client listeners or for specific vhosts, you can use the c2s_cafile top-level option. To set a file for all server connections, you can use the s2s_cafile top-level option or the ca_file top-level option.

Please note: if this option is set in ejabberd_c2s or ejabberd_s2s_in and the corresponding top-level option is also set (c2s_cafile, s2s_cafile), then the top-level option is used, not this one.



Path to the certificate file. Only makes sense when the tls options is set. If this option is not set, you should set the certfiles top-level option or configure ACME.


true | false

This option can be used with ejabberd_service only. XEP-0114 requires that the domain must match the hostname of the component. If this option is set to false, ejabberd will allow the component to send stanzas with any arbitrary domain in the ’from’ attribute. Only use this option if you are completely sure about it. The default value is true, to be compliant with XEP-0114.



OpenSSL ciphers list in the same format accepted by ‘openssl ciphers’ command.

Please note: if this option is set in ejabberd_c2s or ejabberd_s2s_in and the corresponding top-level option is also set (c2s_ciphers, s2s_ciphers), then the top-level option is used, not this one.


{Name: Value}

Specify additional HTTP headers to be included in all HTTP responses. Default value is: []


undefined | HostName

If the HTTP request received by ejabberd contains the HTTP header Host with an ambiguous virtual host that doesn’t match any one defined in ejabberd (see Host Names), then this configured HostName is set as the request Host. The default value of this option is: undefined.



Full path to a file containing custom parameters for Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Such a file could be created with the command openssl dhparam -out dh.pem 2048. If this option is not specified, default parameters will be used, which might not provide the same level of security as using custom parameters.

Please note: if this option is set in ejabberd_c2s or ejabberd_s2s_in and the corresponding top-level option is also set (c2s_dhfile, s2s_dhfile), then the top-level option is used, not this one.


true | false

This option emulates legacy behaviour which registers all routes defined in hosts on a component connected. This behaviour is considered harmful in the case when it's desired to multiplex different components on the same port, so, to disable it, set global_routes to false.

The default value is true, e.g. legacy behaviour is emulated: the only reason for this is to maintain backward compatibility with existing deployments.


{Hostname: [HostOption, ...]}

The external Jabber component that connects to this ejabberd_service can serve one or more hostnames. As HostOption you can define options for the component; currently the only allowed option is the password required to the component when attempt to connect to ejabberd: password: Secret. Note that you cannot define in a single ejabberd_service components of different services: add an ejabberd_service for each service, as seen in an example below. This option may not be necessary if the component already provides the host in its packets; in that case, you can simply provide the password option that will be used for all the hosts (see port 5236 definition in the example below).



The socket will listen only in that network interface. Depending on the type of the IP address, IPv4 or IPv6 will be used.

It is possible to specify a generic address ("" for IPv4 or "::" for IPv6), so ejabberd will listen in all addresses. Note that on some operating systems and/or OS configurations, listening on "::" will mean listening for IPv4 traffic as well as IPv6 traffic.

Some example values for IP address:

  • "" to listen in all IPv4 network interfaces. This is the default value when the option is not specified.

  • "::" to listen in all IPv6 network interfaces

  • "" is the IPv4 address

  • "::FFFF:" is the IPv6 address ::FFFF:



This option specifies the maximum number of elements in the queue of the FSM (Finite State Machine). Roughly speaking, each message in such queues represents one XML stanza queued to be sent into its relevant outgoing stream. If queue size reaches the limit (because, for example, the receiver of stanzas is too slow), the FSM and the corresponding connection (if any) will be terminated and error message will be logged. The reasonable value for this option depends on your hardware configuration. This option can be specified for ejabberd_service and ejabberd_c2s listeners, or also globally for ejabberd_s2s_out. If the option is not specified for ejabberd_service or ejabberd_c2s listeners, the globally configured value is used. The allowed values are integers and ’undefined’. Default value: ’10000’.



Specify the maximum payload size in bytes. It can be either an integer or the word infinity. The default value is infinity.



This option specifies an approximate maximum size in bytes of XML stanzas. Approximate, because it is calculated with the precision of one block of read data. For example {max_stanza_size, 65536}. The default value is infinity. Recommended values are 65536 for c2s connections and 131072 for s2s connections. s2s max stanza size must always much higher than c2s limit. Change this value with extreme care as it can cause unwanted disconnect if set too low.



Mandatory option to define what listening module will serve the incoming connections to the port.



Specify the password to verify an external component that connects to the port.


pos_integer() | string()

improved in 20.07

This mandatory option defines which port to listen for incoming connections: it can be a Jabber/XMPP standard port or any other valid port number between 1 and 65535 to listen on TCP or UDP socket,

Alternatively, set the option to a string in form "unix:/path/to/socket" to create and listen on a unix domain socket /path/to/socket.


improved in 25.xx

If it's a relative path, then it's created in the mnesia spool directory. For example, if set to "unix:dir/file.socket", then the socket file is created in /opt/ejabberd/database/dir/file.socket, or whatever path the Mnesia database is stored in your installation.

File permissions can be set using the unix_socket option.



List of general options relating to SSL/TLS. These map to OpenSSL’s set_options(). The default entry is: "no_sslv3|cipher_server_preference|no_compression"

Please note: if this option is set in ejabberd_c2s or ejabberd_s2s_in and the corresponding top-level option is also set (c2s_protocol_options, s2s_protocol_options), then the top-level option is used, not this one.


{Path: Module}

To define one or several handlers that will serve HTTP requests in ejabberd_http. The Path is a string; so the URIs that start with that Path will be served by Module. For example, if you want mod_foo to serve the URIs that start with /a/b/, and you also want mod_bosh to serve the URIs /bosh/, use this option:

  /a/b: mod_foo
  /bosh: mod_bosh
  /mqtt: mod_mqtt


Integer | infinity

new in 21.07

Sets the longest time that data can wait to be accepted to sent by OS socket. Triggering this timeout will cause the server to close it. By default it's set to 15 seconds, expressed in milliseconds: 15000


none | ShaperName

This option defines a shaper for the port (see section Shapers). The default value is none.


none | ShaperRule

This option defines a shaper rule for ejabberd_service (see section Shapers). The recommended value is fast.


true | false

This option specifies that STARTTLS encryption is available on connections to the port. You should also set the certfiles top-level option or configure ACME.

This option gets implicitly enabled when enabling starttls_required or tls_verify.


true | false

This option specifies that STARTTLS encryption is required on connections to the port. No unencrypted connections will be allowed. You should also set the certfiles top-level option or configure ACME.

Enabling this option implicitly enables also the starttls option.



Allow specifying a tag in a listen section and later use it to have a special api_permissions just for it.

For example:

    port: 4000
    module: ejabberd_http
    tag: "magic_listener"

      - tag: "magic_listener"
    who: all
    what: "*"

The default value is the empty string: "".



Timeout of the connections, expressed in milliseconds. Default: 5000


true | false

This option specifies that traffic on the port will be encrypted using SSL immediately after connecting. This was the traditional encryption method in the early Jabber software, commonly on port 5223 for client-to-server communications. But this method is nowadays deprecated and not recommended. The preferable encryption method is STARTTLS on port 5222, as defined RFC 6120: XMPP Core, which can be enabled in ejabberd with the option starttls.

If this option is set, you should also set the certfiles top-level option or configure ACME.

The option tls can also be used in ejabberd_http to support HTTPS.

Enabling this option implicitly disables the starttls option.


true | false

Whether to enable or disable TLS compression. The default value is false.

Please note: if this option is set in ejabberd_c2s or ejabberd_s2s_in and the corresponding top-level option is also set (c2s_tls_compression, s2s_tls_compression), then the top-level option is used, not this one.


false | true

This option specifies whether to verify the certificate or not when TLS is enabled.

The default value is false, which means no checks are performed.

The certificate will be checked against trusted CA roots, either defined at the operation system level or defined in the listener cafile. If trusted, it will accept the jid that is embedded in the certificate in the subjectAltName field of that certificate.

Enabling this option implicitly enables also the starttls option.



Defines the transport protocol. Default is tcp.


{mode|owner|group: Value}

added in 23.10

Set the mode, owner and group of the unix domain socket defined in the port option.

The owner and group must be specified as integers, not as names.


    port: "unix:sockets/ctl_over_http.socket"
      mode: '0600'
      owner: 117
      group: 135
    module: ejabberd_http
      /ctl: ejabberd_ctl
    tag: "ctl_over_http"


true | false

Is this listener accessed by proxy service that is using proxy protocol for supplying real IP addresses to ejabberd server. You can read about this protocol in Proxy protocol specification. The default value of this option isfalse.


true | false

This option specifies that Zlib stream compression (as defined in XEP-0138) is available on connections to the port.