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ejabberd Use Cases

ejabberd is very versatile and is a solid choice to build messaging services across a large number of industries:


Mobile messaging

ejabberd's massive scalability makes it the most solid choice as the backbone for a very large number of mobile messaging services.

This includes:

  • Chaatz
  • Libon
  • Nokia OVI Chat
  • Roo Kids : Safe & fun instant messaging app for kids with minimum yet critical parental controls.
  • Swisscom IO
  • Versapp
  • Whatsapp


Voice and video messaging

Internet of Things

  • AeroFS
  • IMA Teleassistance
  • Nabaztag (Violet, Mindscape, then Aldebaran Robotics)

Telecom / Hosting

Customer chat / CRM


Social media



  • Apollo group
  • Laureate

Push alerts


Community sites


XMPP Use Cases

XMPP is a very versatile protocol designed to address many use cases of modern real-time messaging needs. However, it is also a very large protocol and it is difficult to understand at first sight all the use cases that XMPP adequately addresses.

This page is gathering XMPP specifications that make XMPP a good fit for a given use case of industry.

Realtime web

XMPP was designed before the advent of realtime web. However, it managed to adapt thanks to the following specifications:

  • XMPP PubSub is defined in XEP-0060. This is a very powerful mechanism that defines channel based communication on top of the XMPP protocol itself. A server can handle millions of channels, called Pubsub nodes. Users interested in specific channels can subscribe to nodes. When data needs to be send to a given channel, authorized publishers can send data to that node. The XMPP server will then broadcast the content to all subscribers. This is very adequate for realtime web as it allows you to broadcast relevant events to web pages.

  • WebSocket: XMPP over WebSocket is defined in RFC 7395. It is more efficient and more scalable than XMPP for web's previous specifications called BOSH. WebSocket being a true bidirectional channel, it allows lower latency messaging and is very reliable. Note that BOSH can still be used transparently along with WebSocket to support old web browsers.

Use cases: News, interactive web page, web chat, web games.

Supported by ejabberd: Yes.